Exceed Microneedling
Exceed is a medical, micro needling device clinically proven and FDA, TGA, CE, ISO certified to visibly minimise and improve fine lines, acne scarring, pore size, uneven skin tone and skin texture.
The devise utilises fine needles to cause controlled micro channels in the skin, which trigger inflammation and release a cascade of growth factors. This causes a growth of fibroblast cells, produce collagen, elastin and GAG’s in the papillary and reticular layer of the dermis. This process leads to skin and collagen regeneration, reduction of enlarged pores, wrinkles, scarring and improved skin texture.
All micro needling treatments include soothing Gel mask and a Epi nouvelle+naturelle, a cooling cellulose microbiome mask for home.
PLEASE NOTE: To ensure exceptional results, you must have skin preparation with cosmeceutical Synergie skin care 4 weeks prior to this procedure.
Allow 90mins
Full face | neck - $349 Includes Oleogel gel for home + Epi Novelle Mask & 7 day post needling Enzyme peel
Retexturing & Remodelling Package - $1460 View in Packages
Allow 90mins | $249
A fabulous introduction to micro needling and Dermalux LED light therapy for skin rejuvenation at a cellular level. Targeting the visible signs of ageing, reduce hyperpigmentation for an even skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines, refining skin texture and improve the appearance of enlarged pores. This all in one facial with leave you with an instant, long lasting glow. Great for sun damaged skin, youthful skin, dull skin and all skin types that are in need of results driven skin cell rejuvenation.
Double cleanse
Skin prep
Micro Needling
Bio Cellulose Sterile Mask
Dermalux LED Light Therapy
Hydrating Balm.
Skin Preparation
Depending on skin type, we recommend topical use of Vitamin A (Retinol) B3 (Nicinamide) & Vitamin C (Effica C or Enlighten). These can be purchased in-store.
We recommend no sun exposure 48 hours prior to this treatment. Also no aggressive peels, IPL or laser 2-4 weeks prior to this treatment.
This treatment is non-invasive and requires no down time. You may experience some mild erythema and heat which will subside shortly after your treatment. There are post care recommendations to follow post treatment. Your therapist will discuss these with you post treatment.
What To Expect
Who is Micro Needling suitable for?
Medical Microneedling or collagen induction therapy (CIT) is suitable for a range of skin types and conditions. CIT is the ideal skin rejuvenation treatment. Optimises cell function to improve the overall appearance of skin, breaks down scar tissue, increases natural collagen, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, refines pores and induced regenerative healing.
How does it work?
Microneedling uses a medical micro needle device that gently perforates the skin, penetrating the epidermis & dermis causing an inflammatory response which triggers a cascade of growth factors within our skin. These growth factors include collagen & elastin for wound healing, improving skin texture for firmer skin, expels congestion, corrects melanosome absorption to improve pigmentation, epidermal (skin growth factors) to refine skin and improve skin tone, Transforming growth factors to improve overall cellular function and cellular communication and melanocyte growth factors to improve pigmentation.
Is this a painful procedure?
No… This is definitely not a painful procedure with the Exceed Microneedling device. This device is German engineered, has low vibration & quiet running & needle precision for client comfort. Importantly, safety is an absolute priority, this medical Microneedling device is FDA & TGA approved & 100% sterile needle cartridge for single use.
What will my skin look like after the treatment?
The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes (with initial consultation allow 90mins). Post treatment your skin will be flushed like sunburn and feel warm. This will last for approximately 24 hours and will completely subside with 48hours. After your treatment we apply a sterile Gel mask (Epi Nouvelle) to reduce redness & cool the area, also provides relaxation after the treatment.
How many treatment will I need to see results?
Each treatment will have results, however we recommend a minimum of 3 or more treatments depending on the desired results. Treatments are generally 6-8 weeks apart with an enzyme peel between each treatment. We offer a variety of packages to accommodate your budget.
If Micro needling interests you, book for a consultation to learn more about this remarkable skin treatment.
Why choose the Exceed micro needling device?
The micro needling device recommended and used by plastic surgeons.
Micro needling contra-indications & After care
It’s important to understand that micro needling is not suitable for everyone and there are some direct contra-indications that prevent you from having this treatment.
Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.
Direct Conditions that would mean you were not able to have this treatment:
Hemophilia, blood clotting problems (ie poor wound healing)
Papulopustular rosacea
Acne Vulgaris stage III-IV
Severe solar keratosis
Undergoing chemotherapy or immune therapy
Connective tissue disorders / auto immune disorders (e.g. lupus)
Long term use of Prednisone and other steroid medications (treatment will increase inflammation)
Anticoagulants / Blood thinners (including but limited to Warfarin or aspirin)
Nickel or stainless steal allergies
Collagen vascular diseases
Fungal skin infections
Irritated skin
Auto immune diseases
Raised moles
Conditions that need a doctors letter to confirm the treatment is suitable before treatment can begin:
Transplant Anti-Rejection Drug
Heart Disease
Hypertension (High blood pressure treated with medication)
Cancer - after 12 months
Insulin Dependent Diabetes
After treatment of certain topical skin medications to treat sun damage, skin lesions.
After treatment of Photo Dynamic Therapy
The list below is of things that require a waiting period until you can start treatment:
Wait until completely clear and healed
Active bacterial, fungal or viral skin infection of any type in the area to be treated
Active Herpes – cold sores — (even if inactive take anti-viral medication 2 weeks pre and post treatment (peels & needling)
Warts in area to be treated
Sunburn in the treatment area
Open Lesion on area to be treated
Topical use of Vitamin A 4 weeks prior to your treatment.
Waiting times for specific procedures (on area to be treated)
Recent facial operations - At least 3 months post surgery
Isoretinoin (e.g. Roaccutane) - 6 - 12 months post treatment
Tattooing / Cosmetic Tattooing – 3 months
IPL / Laser hair removal – 2 weeks
IPL skin treatments - 2 weeks
Laser Resurfacing/Ablative – 8 weeks
Strong chemical peels - PH lower than 3.1. – wait 2 weeks
Botulinum Toxin - 2 weeks
Dermal Fillers – Hyaluronic Acid & Vital Hydrate – 2 weeks
Dermal Fillers - Sculptra & Radiesse - 6 week
Stop using/taking 1 week before commencing treatments:
Fish Oils / Plant oils / Omega 3s
Ginseng / Gingko Biloba / St Johns Wart
Topical antibiotics
Exfoliants and/or AHA or BHA
Benzoyl peroxide / adapelene (Differin)
Hydroquinone / kojic acid / azelaic acid
Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. These will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical for your skin rejuvenation.
Waxing or depilatory creams on the area to be treated
Psoriasis and other dermatosis that can be koebnerized, can potentially be triggered by needling even if they have been quiescent for years.
60 minutes: Reddening and possible pot bleeding
Up to 24 hours: Erythema (reddening or rash like appearance) , Petechiae (pinpoint, round spots), minor oedema (swelling)
1-2 days: Mild erythema , petechiae, reduced oedma, minor itching, dry/tight sensation.
2-3 days Reduced erythema, fading petechiae, dissipated oedema, reduced itching, minor skin flaking
3-4 days: Potential dryness
4-5 days: Full Recovery with normal function
3weeks: improved pigmentation begins
4-6 weeks: Improvements in lines, wrinkles and scarring begins
Please avoid the following activities for up to 2 days following a microneedling clinical procedure: • Direct ultra violet exposure (sun and sunbeds) • Intensive cardio, exercise or gym regimens • Excessively hot showers, bathing, spas or sauna • Swimming in chlorinated pools or the ocean • Tattooing (including cosmetic tattooing) • Further clinical treatments (including, but not limited to): microdermabrasion, laser, intense pulsed light, chemical peels, muscle relaxant injections and dermal fillers) should be avoided for up to two weeks.
Please avoid the use of skin care products containing any of the following active resurfacing ingredients for up to 5 days following a microneedling clinical procedure: • Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) (including but not limited to) glycolic, lactic or malic acid • Beta hydroxy acid (BHA) including salicylic acid • Benzoyl peroxide • Retinoids (including but not limited to) tretinoin, retinol and retinaldehyde • Hydroquinone • High levels of Kojic or azelaic acid • Alcohol (including but not limited to) isopropyl alcohol/de-natured alcohol/rubbing alcohol
Do not apply spray tans or fake tan creams for 2-3 weeks after the treatment If in doubt with any of the above activities or products, please contact us for clarification to when normal activity or use may be resumed.
For the first 1-3 days the skin may feel tight and dry. Frequent use of post session topical will help with this.
Light, non-occlusive and non-comedogenic make-up may be applied 4 days post-procedure and a SPF is advised for at least 3 days after your treatment.
After 2-3 days you can return to your regular skin care products Cleanser, Dermiotic, X Cell B, Effica C, Moisturiser, with the exclusion of the products listed above
Avoid direct sunlight and always wear SPF30 or above. Do not apply a chemical sunscreen the same day as the treatment, only approved physical defense sunscreen can be used.
Its important to hydrate before and after the procedure to help skin heal and rejuvenate faster.
Gently exfoliate the skin after 3-5 days to remove flaky skin that can form after the treatment.
Omega 3, Zinc & glucosamine, Synergie Synternals oral supplements can help with your treatment results
Your therapist will advise you when you can resume with your Vitamin A and exfoliant at your follow up treatment 5 days post micro needling.